TQC 2024

TQC 2024: 9-13 September 2024 in Okinawa, Japan

The Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC) is a leading annual international conference for students and researchers working in the theoretical aspects of quantum information science. The scientific objective is to bring together the theoretical quantum information science community to present and discuss the latest advances in the field.

The 19th TQC was hosted by OIST in Okinawa, Japan, in September 2024. It was a hybrid event, with focus on in-person participation. Talks were streamed live.

Watch the livestreams on YouTube

The lists of 92 accepted talks and 429 accepted posters are now available.

Invited speakers

Jens Eisert
FU Berlin

Potential and Limitations of Near-Term Quantum Computing

Quantum computers promise the efficient solution of some highly structured computational problems that are classically intractable. While for many years they have been primarily objects of theoretical study, only recently have efforts to build intermediate-scale quantum computers taken off. This creates an interesting state of affairs, but at the same time, it begs the question of what such devices are, practically speaking, good for. In this talk, we will present some encouraging as well as—emphasizing the latter—discouraging insights into near-term quantum computing. We will discuss rigorous quantum advantages in paradigmatic problems [1,2] and explore the use of quantum computers in machine learning [3,4] and optimization [5]. The second part of the talk will focus on the significant limitations that arise. We will emphasize identifying limitations to quantum error mitigation for shallow quantum circuits in the worst case [6]. Interestingly, it may depend on the nuances of non-unital quantum noise to what extent quantum computing without error correction may be feasible [7]. We will also provide efficient classical algorithms for instances of quantum algorithms, hence "de-quantizing" them [7-9]. The talk will conclude with the note that quantum simulation remains, to date, one of the most promising applications of near-term quantum devices [10,11].

[1] Rev. Mod. Phys. 95, 035001 (2023).
[2] arXiv:2307.14424, Nature Comm. (2024).
[3] Nature Comm. 15, 434 (2024).
[4] Nature Comm. 15, 2277 (2024).
[5] Science Adv. 10, eadj5170 (2024).
[6] arXiv:2210.11505, Nature Phys. (2024).
[7] arXiv:2403.13927 (2024).
[8] arXiv:2309.11647 (2023).
[9] Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 100803 (2023).
[10] Nature Comm. 14, 3895 (2023).
[11] arXiv:2108.08319, Nature Comm. (2024).

Zhengfeng Ji
Tsinghua University

Forward and Backward Mappings for Quantum Graphical Models

Graphical models offer a unifying framework for various statistical learning algorithms and models. Central to these models are the forward and backward mapping problems, which have been studied through both exact and approximate algorithms. This talk explores these mapping problems within the context of quantum graphical models, where quantum states generalize classical probability distributions.
The forward mapping problem involves deriving mean parameters from model parameters and is closely linked to approximating the partition function---a typically challenging task often requiring heuristics and approximations. We'll discuss quantum belief propagation, which has shown success in one-dimensional systems, as well as variational methods such as Markov entropy decomposition that tackle the problem from an optimization perspective.
The task of the backward mapping problem aims to compute model parameters from mean parameters. It is related to the Hamiltonian learning problem, a topic of growing interest in quantum information science lately. We'll review some existing algorithms and introduce the quantum iterative scaling (QIS) algorithm that reduces the backward mapping problem to a series of forward mapping problems. We'll present a convergence proof for QIS and demonstrate its advantages over gradient descent methods. Furthermore, we'll explore how quasi-Newton methods can enhance QIS and gradient descent algorithms, showcasing significant efficiency improvements.

Dakshita Khurana
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Understanding Cryptographic Hardness in a Quantum World

A flurry of exciting, recent work has shown that the mathematical hardness required to realize cryptosystems such as bit commitments and secure computation in a quantum world can be significantly weaker than the hardness required for classical cryptography. This talk will discuss recent progress and some remaining challenges in understanding the assumptions that enable cryptography in a quantum world.

Tomoyuki Morimae
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

Quantum cryptography without one-way functions

The existence of one-way functions is the minimum assumption in classical cryptography. On the other hand, in quantum cryptography where quantum computing and quantum communications are possible, recent studies have demonstrated that the existence of one-way functions is not necessarily the minimum assumption.
Several new fundamental primitives have been introduced, such as pseudorandom unitaries, pseudorandom states, one-way state generators, EFI pairs, and one-way puzzles. They seem to be weaker than one-way functions, but still imply many useful applications, such as secret-key encryption, message authentication codes, digital signatures, private-key quantum money, commitments, and multiparty computations, etc. In this talk, I explain the basics of this “quantum cryptography without one-way functions” and give many open problems that I want to know the answers to.

Sponsors and organization of TQC 2023

Platinum sponsors


The Quantum Computing team at JPMorganChase's Global Technology Applied Research Center is at the forefront of advancing both the theoretical and practical aspects of quantum and quantum-inspired algorithms. They are currently seeking talented individuals for summer internships, as well as full-time positions for research scientists and software engineers at all experience levels. Join the firm in pushing the boundaries of quantum computing technology. Apply for open positions here.

Gold sponsors

Google Quantum AI
Gold Sponsor
Google Quantum AI is advancing the state of the art of quantum computing and developing the tools for researchers to operate beyond classical capabilities. Our mission is to make best-in-class quantum computing tools available to the world, enabling humankind to solve problems that would otherwise be impossible.

We are hiring! Check out quantum career opportunities at Google.
Horizon Quantum
Gold sponsor

‍Horizon Quantum Computing is developing a new generation of programming tools to simplify and expedite the process of developing software for quantum computers. By removing the need for prior quantum computing experience to develop applications for quantum hardware, Horizon’s tools are making the power of quantum computing accessible to every software developer.

We are hiring! Check out quantum career opportunities at Horizon: https://www.horizonquantum.com/careers

Silver Sponsors

Silver Sponsor

Quantinuum's mission is to accelerate quantum computing and use its power to positively transform the world. By applying the laws of quantum physics to computing, we will achieve unprecedented breakthroughs in drug discovery, healthcare, materials science, cybersecurity, energy transformation, and climate change.

Japan National Tourism Organization
Silver Sponsor
JNTO is involved in a broad range of activities both domestically and worldwide, to encourage international tourists from all over the world to visit Japan.

People and Committees of TQC 2024

Steering Committee of TQC 2024

  • Andris Ambainis, University of Latvia
  • Eric Chitambar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Kai-Min Chung, Academia Sinica
  • Steve Flammia, AWS Center for Quantum Computing
  • François Le Gall, Nagoya University [co-chair]
  • Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Hon Hai (Foxconn) [chair]
  • Kae Nemoto, OIST
  • Lídia del Rio, Squids and University of Zurich

Programme Committee of TQC 2024

  • Frédéric Mangiez, CNRS [chair]
  • Alex Bredariol Grilo, CNRS [co-chair]
  • Srinivasan Arunachalam, IBM
  • Alexander Belovs, University of Latvia
  • Mario Berta, RWTH Aachen University
  • Xavier Bonnetain, Inria Nancy
  • Jop Briet, CWI
  • Marco Cerezo, LANL
  • Nai-Hui Chia, Rice University
  • Nicolas Delfosse, IonQ
  • Ernesto Galvão, INL
  • Uma Girish, Princeton
  • Tom Gur, University of Cambridge
  • Yassine Hamoudi, CNRS Bordeaux
  • Dominik Hangleiter, QuICS (UMD & NIST)
  • Chris Heunen, University of Edinburgh
  • Christoph Hirche, TU Munich and CQT NUS
  • Nick Hunter-Jones, UT Austin
  • John Kallaugher, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Shelby Kimmel, Middlebury College
  • Robert Koenig, TU Munich
  • Felix Leditzky, UIUC
  • Tongyang Li , Peking University
  • Jiahui Liu, MIT
  • Alex May, Perimeter Institute and University of Waterloo
  • Mio Murao, University of Tokyo
  • Ion Nechita, CNRS, Toulouse
  • Harumichi Nishimura, Nagoya University
  • Tom O’Brien, Google Quantum AI
  • Subhasree Patro, Utrecht University and QuSoft
  • Supartha Podder, Stony Brook University
  • Alexander Poremba, MIT
  • Luowen Qian, Boston University
  • Patrick Rebentrost, CQT
  • Norbert Schuch, University of Vienna
  • Thomas Schuster, Caltech
  • Makrand Sinha, UIUC
  • Fang Song, Portland State University
  • David Sutter, IBM Zurich
  • Mario Szegedy, Rutgers University
  • Marcelo Terra Cunha, Unicamp
  • Dave Touchette, Sherbrooke University
  • Dominic Verdon, University of Bristol
  • Nathan Wiebe, University of Toronto
  • Dominic Williamson, University of Sydney
  • Penghui Yao, Nanjing University
  • Ted Yoder, IBM

Organising Committee of TQC 2024

Local organizers in Okinawa:

  • David Elkouss Coronas, OIST
  • Kae Nemoto, OIST
  • Slawomir Rosiek, OIST
  • Yukari Yoseda, OIST

International organizers:

  • Lídia del Rio, Squids and University of Zurich
  • Nuriya Nurgalieva, Squids and University of Zurich

Search accepted talks and posters for TQC 2024

The full lists of accepted talks and accepted posters are now published!

521 entries « 1 of 18 »

Kuo-Chin Chen, Simon Apers, Min-Hsiu Hsieh

(Quantum) complexity of testing signed graph clusterability Talk


Abstract | Tags: Proceedings, Wednesday


Jelena Mackeprang, Jonas Helsen

A Bravyi-König theorem for Floquet codes Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Libor Caha, Xavier Coiteux-Roy, Robert Koenig

A colossal advantage: 3D-local noisy shallow quantum circuits defeat unbounded fan-in classical circuits Talk


Abstract | Tags: Tuesday | Links:


Nicolas Heurtel

A Complete Graphical Language for Linear Optical Circuits with Finite-Photon-Number Sources and Detectors Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


David Cui, Giulio Malavolta, Arthur Mehta, Anand Natarajan, Connor Paddock, Simon Schmidt, Michael Walter, Tina Zhang

A Computational Tsirelson's Theorem for the Value of Compiled XOR Games Talk


Abstract | Tags: Tuesday | Links:


Nai-Hui Chia, Honghao Fu, Fang Song, Penghui Yao

A Cryptographic Perspective on the Verifiability of Quantum Advantage Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Aleksandrs Belovs

A Direct Reduction from the Polynomial to the Adversary Method Talk


Abstract | Tags: Monday, Proceedings


Daniel Bonior

A Domain of Symmetric Unital Channels Poster


Tags: Poster session Monday


Samuel Scalet

A Faster Algorithm for the Free Energy in One-Dimensional Quantum Systems Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Thursday | Links:


Nikolaos Koukoulekidis, Samson Wang, Tom O'Leary, Daniel Bultrini, Lukasz Cincio, Piotr Czarnik

A framework of partial error correction for intermediate-scale quantum computers Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Golshan Lirabi, Faedi Loulidi, David Elkouss

A general purification protocol with imperfect state preparation Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Thursday


Robert Booth, Titouan Carette, Cole Comfort

A graphical language for Gaussian quantum processes Poster


Tags: Poster session Monday


Andi Gu, Lorenzo Leone, Soumik Ghosh, Jens Eisert, Susanne Yelin, Yihui Quek

A little magic means a lot Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Monday | Links:


Faedi Loulidi, Khurshed Fitter, Ion Nechita

A Max-Flow approach to Random Tensor Networks Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Giulio Malavolta, Tomoyuki Morimae, Michael Walter, Takashi Yamakawa

A Note on Exponential Quantum One-Wayness Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Minki Hhan, Tomoyuki Morimae, Takashi Yamakawa

A Note on Output Length of One-Way State Generators and EFIs Poster


Tags: Poster session Monday


Eleni Diamanti, Alex Bredariol Grilo, Adriano Innocenzi, Pascal Lefebvre, Verena Yacoub, Alvaro Yángüez

A Practical Protocol for Quantum Oblivious Transfer from One-Way Functions Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Lucia Valor, Klaus Liegener, Stefan Filipp, Peter Rabl

A pure (2+1)-dimensional SU(2) model for analog simulation in small-scale superconducting quantum devices Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Thursday


Jianqiang Li, Sean Hallgren

A quantum algorithm for the pathfinding problem via the quantum electrical flow Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Ragesh Jaiswal

A Quantum Approximation Scheme for k-Means Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Monday | Links:


Thomas Schuster, Norman Y. Yao

A quasi-polynomial time classical algorithm for almost any noisy quantum circuit Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Guillermo Currás-Lorenzo, Margarida Pereira, Go Kato, Marcos Curty, Kiyoshi Tamaki

A security framework for quantum key distribution implementations Poster


Tags: Poster session Monday


Alexander Dalzell

A shortcut to a near-optimal quantum linear system solver Talk


Abstract | Tags: Tuesday


Martin Larocca, Marco Cerezo, Frederic Sauvage, Michael Ragone, Bojko Bakalov, Alexander Kemper, Carlos Ortiz Marrero

A Unified Theory of Barren Plateaus for Deep Parametrized Quantum Circuits Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Kaining Zhang, Junyu Liu, Liu Liu, Liang Jiang, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Dacheng Tao

Accelerated Convergence in Training Quantum Neural Network with Modest Depths Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Xian Wang, Mahmut Sait Okyay, Bryan M. Wong

Accelerating quantum optimal control of multi-qubit systems with symmetry-based Hamiltonian transformations Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Monday | Links:


Zain Saleem, Michael A Perlin, Anil Shaji, Stephen Gray

Achieving the Heisenberg limit with Dicke States in noisy quantum meterology Poster


Tags: Poster session Monday


Beata Zjawin, Matty Hoban, Ana Belén Sainz, Paul Skrzypczyk

Activation of post-quantumness in generalized EPR scenarios Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday


Adam Wesolowski, Stephen Piddock

Advances in quantum algorithms for the shortest s-t path problem. Poster


Abstract | Tags: Poster session Thursday


Mir Alimuddin, Ananya Chakraborty, Govind Lal Sidhardh, Ram Krishna Patra, Samrat Sen, Sahil Gopalkrishna Naik, Manik Banik

Advantage of Hardy's nonlocal correlation in reverse zero-error channel coding Poster


Tags: Poster session Thursday

521 entries « 1 of 18 »
Shuri Castle in Naha, Okinawa prefecture. Photo by 663highland – Own work, CC BY 2.5.