Shuttle bus TQC 2024

There will be a free shuttle bus running from various locations in the island to the conference venue and back in the evening. There are two main routes, whose stops are marked in different colours on the map: the Ishikawa route, in blue, and the Onna route in yellow. There are additional short routes for the Rizzian and Seaside House, as well as the excursion buses on Wednesday. For each route, there is also a microbus (20 seats) running at off-hours every day, in case you need to arrive late or leave early.

Bus (56 seats)Microbus (20 seats)
Photos of the TQC shuttles.

Check on the map which stop is the closest to your accommodation (colour and number). You can then find the schedule and photos of the bus stops on the lists below.

Note: If there are several available departure times for your location, we strongly recommend trying to take the earliest bus, as we cannot guarantee seats for all if everyone tries to go on the last possible bus. We booked the buses so that there is space for all participants if they are uniformly distributed. There is usually only 5-10min intervals between buses: a pleasant wait and a chance to catch up with fellow early birds.

Jump to the schedules for:

  • Ishikawa route: roughly, hotels South of OIST; stops marked blue on the map
  • Onna route: roughly, hotels North of OIST; stops marked yellow on the map
  • Rizzan route: additional times just for the Rizzan hotel and Seaside house
  • Excursions routes: on Wednesday, for the Aquarium and Okinawa World

Ishikawa route (South of OIST, blue on the map)

From hotels to OIST

Nr.Stop (En)Stop (Jp)1st bus
(56 seats)
2nd bus
(56 seats)
3rd bus
(56 seats)
(20 seats)
(20 seats)
1Ishikawa IC (Expressway)石川IC(高速側)7:459:3014:00
2Onna no eki (Nakayukui Market mae)おんなの駅7:559:4014:10
3Moon Beach mae(via Nago)ムーンビーチ8:009:4514:15
4Tiger Beach mae(via Nago)タイガービーチ8:019:4614:16
5Sunmarina Beach mae (via Nago)サンマリーナビーチ8:049:4814:18
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)リザンシーパークホテル8:108:208:359:5014:20
7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂8:158:308:409:5514:25
The morning bus will run on the same schedule Monday to Friday.

From OIST to hotels

Nr.Stop (En)Mon-Fri Microbus
(20 seats)
Mon-Fri Microbus
(20 seats)
Monday buses
(56 seats)
Tuesday buses
(56 seats)
Wednesday bus
(56 seats)
Thursday buses
(56 seats)
(56 seats)
7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)11:3016:0020:1520:4520:4521:1520:1520:4514:0014:31
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)11:3516:0520:4821:1821:1520:4814:35
5Sunmarina Beach mae (via Naha)11:3716:0720:1820:5020:4821:2021:1620:1820:5014:0314:37
4Tiger Beach mae(via Naha)11:3916:0920:2020:5320:5021:2321:1720:2020:5314:0514:39
3Moon Beach mae(via Naha)11:4016:1020:2120:5720:5121:2721:1820:2120:5714:0614:40
2Onna no eki (Nakayukui Market mae)11:5016:2020:2621:0520:5621:3521:2620:2621:0514:1114:48
1Ishikawa IC
Different departure times for the return shuttles depending on the conference schedule. The off-hours microbus runs the same schedule Monday to Friday.

Photos of shuttle stops for the Ishikawa route

Nr.Stop (En)Morning bus stop Ishikawa Route (blue route)
1Ishikawa IC
2Onna no eki (Nakayukui Market mae)
3Moon Beach mae(via Nago)
4Tiger Beach mae(via Nago)
5Sunmarina Beach mae (via Nago)
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)
7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)

Onna route

From hotels to OIST

Nr.Stop (En)Stop (Jp)Bus
(56 seats)
(20 seats)
(20 seats)
1Kariyushi Beach maeかりゆしビーチ7:5511:0015:30
2Halekulani Okinawa Maeハレクラニ沖縄7:5811:0315:33
3Hotel Miyuki Beach mae(via Naha)ホテルみゆきビーチ8:0811:1015:40
4Seragaki Beach mae(via Naha)瀬良垣ビーチ8:1411:1515:45
5Manza Beach mae(via Naha)万座ビーチ8:1711:1815:48
6Seaside House mae(via Naha)シーサイドハウス8:2511:2515:55
7Daigakuin Daigaku mae(via Naha)大学院大学8:2611:2615:56
OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂8:3011:3016:00
The same schedule will run Monday to Friday.

From OIST to hotels

Nr.Stop (En)Monday bus (56 seats)Tuesday bus (56 seats)Wednesday bus (56 seats)Thursday bus (56 seats)Friday bus (56 seats)Mon-Fri Microbus
(20 seats)
Mon-Fri Microbus
(20 seats)
OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)20:1520:4520:1514:009:5514:25
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)21:15—-
7Daigakuin Daigaku mae(via Nago)20:1720:4721:1720:1714:0210:0014:30
6Seaside House mae(via Nago)20:1920:4921:1820:1914:0410:0214:32
5Manza Beach mae(via Nago)20:2620:5621:2520:2614:1110:1014:40
4Seragaki Beach mae(via Nago)20:3021:0021:3020:3014:1510:1214:42
3Hotel Miyuki Beach mae(via Nago)20:3521:0521:4020:3514:2010:1714:47
Different departure times for the return buses depending on the conference schedule. The off-hours microbus runs on the same schedule Monday to Friday.

Photos of shuttle stops Onna route (yellow)

1Kariyushi Beach mae
2Halekulani Okinawa Mae
3Hotel Miyuki Beach mae(via Naha)
4Seragaki Beach mae(via Naha)
5Manza Beach mae(via Naha)
6Seaside House mae(via Naha)
7Daigakuin Daigaku mae(via Naha)
7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)

Rizzan route

From hotels to OIST

NrStop (En)Stop (Jp)1st bus
(56 seats)
2nd bus
(56 seats)
3rd bus
(56 seats)
6 yellowSeaside House mae(via Naha)シーサイドハウス7:50
7 blueOIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂7:55
6 blueRizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)リザンシーパークホテル8:008:158:35
7 blueOIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂8:058:308:45
Same daily schedule Monday to Friday.

From OIST to hotels

Nr.Stop (En)Stop (Jp)Monday bus
(56 seats)
Tuesday bus
(56 seats)
Thursday bus
(56 seats)
Friday bus
(56 seats)
7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂20:1520:3020:4520:4521:0021:1520:1520:3020:4514:0014:1514:30
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)リザンシーパークホテル20:2020:3520:5020:5021:0521:2020:2020:3520:5014:0514:2014:35

Photos of shuttle stops

6 yellowSeaside House mae(via Naha)
7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)
6 blueRizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)

Excursions routes

The excursions take place on Wednesday.

Ocean Expo Park – Churaumi Aquarium

7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂12:30
🐠Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium
(Ocean Expo Park)
And back again
🐠Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium
(Ocean Expo Park)
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)リザンシーパークホテル18:30

Okinawa world

7OIST Conference Center (Auditorium)OIST講堂12:30
🎡Okinawa Worldおきなわワールド13:30
And back again
🎡Okinawa Worldおきなわワールド17:10
6Rizzan Sea-Park Hotel Tancha Bay (entrance)リザンシーパークホテル18:30