Call for submissions

Link for submission :

Important dates:

All deadlines are in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone. 

With Proceedings and Without Proceedings tracks:

  • Opening of submission server: February 20th, 2025
  • Submission deadline: March 1, 2025
  • Notification to authors: April 25th, 2025
  • Final manuscript deadline (for accepted proceedings): TBA

Poster submissions only:

  • Opening of submission server: March 20th, 2025
  • Submission deadline: April 30th, 2025
  • Notification to authors: May 5th, 2025

Conference: September 15 to September 19, 2025

Note: Talk submissions that are not retained will automatically be considered for the poster session.


The Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC) is a leading annual international conference for students and researchers working in the theoretical aspects of quantum information science. The scientific objective of TQC is to bring together the theoretical quantum information science community to present and discuss the latest advances in the field.

Areas of interest for TQC include, but are not restricted to:

  • quantum algorithms
  • models of quantum computation
  • quantum complexity theory
  • simulation of quantum systems
  • quantum cryptography
  • quantum communication
  • quantum information theory
  • quantum estimation and measurement
  • quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computing
  • intersection of quantum information and condensed-matter theory
  • intersection of quantum information and machine learning

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines:

As the goal of TQC is to bring together researchers on all aspects of quantum information, submissions are solicited for two tracks. 

The first is the With Proceedings track.  Submissions to this track must be original manuscripts that have not previously appeared in published form and are not simultaneously submitted to another publishing venue. Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference and will be published in the conference proceedings.  

The second track is Without Proceedings (talk only).  Accepted submissions will be presented orally at the conference but will not appear in the proceedings. This track allows authors to publish their work elsewhere and accepts already published material. Previously published submissions must still be current to be competitive for acceptance.

 It is possible to present a poster if a submission is not accepted for a talk, in either track, and poster-only submissions are also possible.

In recent years the overall acceptance rate for all papers submitted to TQC has been approximately 25%. The PC will target a minimum of 10 articles to be published in the proceedings and therefore the acceptance rates could differ between the two tracks.

Best Paper Prize:

The Best Paper prize will be given to the best paper accepted to the conference (both tracks combined). The program committee may decide to split the prize between multiple papers, or to decline to make an award.

Best Student Paper Prize

The Best Student Paper prize will be given to the best student paper accepted at the conference (both tracks combined). The program committee may decide to split the prize between multiple papers, or to decline to make an award. A submission is eligible for the Best Student Paper prize if and only if the main author(s) is/are a student(s) at the time of the submission and will present the work at TQC, and further a significant portion of the work (at least 60%) has been done by said student(s), including contributing the majority of the key ideas. Eligibility can only be indicated at the time of submission. The PC chair is free to ask for any clarifications regarding the students’ contributions at any time. If a paper qualifies for the Best Student Paper prize, it should not be disqualified from being considered for the Best Paper Prize, and vice versa; a paper meriting both prizes should be given both prizes.Submission format (applies to both With and Without Proceedings tracks):  

All submissions should include both an extended abstract and a technical version and should be submitted as two separate files in PDF format. 

  • The extended abstract (at most 3 pages, not including references) should contain a non-technical, clear and insightful description of the main ideas, results, their impact, and relationship with concurrent and prior work.
    • This extended abstract will be used to evaluate the results’ originality and importance.
    • The submission should begin with a title and a list of authors.
    • The text must be in a single column format, use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins. 
    • If the work is currently under submission to, has been accepted at, or has been presented at any other conference(s) or workshop (without proceedings), this should be indicated on the first page of the submission.
  • The technical manuscript (no page limit).  Authors are encouraged to use the “full version” of their paper.  The submission should have the following format:
    • The submission should begin with a title, a list of authors, and a short abstract.
    • This manuscript will be used to verify the correctness of the submission if necessary.
    • Even if the manuscript comes from an on-line repository, a PDF copy must be uploaded. Moreover, if the submission consists of multiple papers they should be merged into a single file.
    • See the Proceedings section below for further instructions that apply to the With Proceedings track.

The Program Committee reserves the right to decide how to treat submissions that deviate from the above format, including rejection of submissions solely on the basis of their format.


Accepted manuscripts in the With Proceedings track will be published in late 2025 in the TQC 2025 proceedings, as part of the well-known open-access LIPIcs–Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics series.  Only the first 15 pages of the technical version of the manuscript will be published, due to LIPIcs-Leibniz formatting requirements (references are not included in this page limit).  If available, a link to a longer version of the paper in an on-line repository can be included as a footnote or a reference within these 15 pages.  While technical manuscripts need not use the LIPIcs-Leibniz template for the submission, the Program Committee will make their decisions based on the first 15 pages of the technical manuscript and  authors are strongly encouraged to make these first 15 pages self-contained.

Final version:

If your manuscript is accepted for publication in the proceedings, you will receive instructions on how to prepare the final revised version together with the notification.

Poster submissions:

Talk submissions that are not retained will automatically be considered for the poster session (in both tracks). In addition, you can submit your work for a poster-only presentation.

Poster-only submissions must either consist of a short summary (2 pages) of the work, or follow the guidelines from either of the tracks above.

Important note: talk submission to multiple conferences :

As a research community, our goal is that contributed talks at quantum information conferences reflect the breadth of our field. We therefore discourage the parallel submission of works that were previously accepted or presented as talks at a conference with a similar scope, such as QIP.

On the first page of your submission, indicate if your work is currently under submission to, has been accepted at, or has been presented at any other conference or workshop, as a talk. If that is the case, quickly discuss the reason for the multiple submissions as well as significant differences relative to these submissions or venues.  The assessment of this information is at the Program Committee’s discretion.

Questions :

Please direct any questions or comments to the PC chair at .